Tag Archives: Casey Wilson

Not So Happy Ending, Or Is It?

There’s a lot going on in pop culture these days, and I couldn’t decide what to write about this week. I decided that I’d already talked enough about Big Hero 6 & Too Many Cooks and I’m saving Serial later for an upcoming post on podcasts. So, I want to tell you about two tv shows I’m enjoying at the moment.
I watch way too much TV. I watch so much tv that I can’t complete or stick to everything. It’s rare that I stick to something and watch every single episode, especially if it’s something currently on TV. Now, one of my favorite shows of all time was Happy Endings, which was cancelled waaaay too soon. For a giant comedy nerd like myself, that show was heaven. I was heartbroken when it ended. Great cast, constant cameos by awesome comedians, hilarious jokes…it was an irreverent Friends clone that worked. Now, two new shows have come along that might just fill the gap in my heart left by HE.

The first is Benched. Benched premiered on the USA Network a couple of weeks ago. It is a courtroom comedy starring Eliza Coupe, formerly of Happy Endings (see a theme here?). She is a corporate attorney who loses her job after a crazy (and hilarious) breakdown and is forced to work in the office of the public defender. Her adjustment to this lowbrow society is the basic premise to the show, and it is totally a flawed one, but she is funny enough to keep my attention. Her supporting cast is a who’s who of former cast members of forgotten shows, like Better Off Ted and the Office. But, the best supporting character of all is Maria Bamford as her wacky co-worker. I worship at the altar of Queen Maria, and I will watch her in ANYTHING. This might not be the best comedy on tv right now, but it’s got promise. I’ll stick with it. I give it 3 out of 5 gavels.

Now, the second show has more potential as a heart-hole-filler. Marry Me is on NBC and is by the creators of Happy Endings. (YAY!) It shares a lot of similarities- both are set in Chicago, both feature cameos by tons of comedians, and both star Casey Wilson. I loved Casey in her short stint on SNL and have been a fan ever since. When I saw that she was starring in this with Ken Marino, I was already a fan before the show even started. And, I was right. It is a hilarious show about a couple that recently became engaged, but the supporting cast adds so much fun and flair to a typical premise. I don’t like it as much as Happy Endings, but it is a close second. I look forward to the future episodes. I give it 8 out of 9 Greetings Feline notebooks.